Employment and Apprenticeships
Avalanche Savvy is an equal opportunity employer and offers a pathway into the Pro level avalanche industry through an apprenticeship program.
Pro Employment
We are always on the lookout for Avalanche Professional with their Pro 1 certificate w/ WFR or higher. Pay ranges from $200 - $480/day D.O.E. Fill out this expression of interest form and/or give us a ring. We value years of experience working in Snow Safety Operations, and working in different hemispheres.
To enquire:
1. Email us you Pro Avalanche Certs and Medical Certs to info@avalanchesavvy.com
2. FIll out the expression of interest form below
We offer an apprenticeship pathway into the pro-avalanche world for the right people. We do this under the A3 guidelines for someone to move from General, to an affiliate member up to a pro member and get their operational days under a Pro2(or equivalent) Snow Safety officer. Minimum Qualifications are Level1 + Rescue(or you can take ours early in season) and get American Avalanche Association General membership(A3) $35 at minimum(more info here), WFR(in certain cases for snowmobiler WFA) and currently seeking Pro1(or in certain cases Rec L2 if Pro 1 isn't available). We are especially interested in people who can both Ski/splitboard and snowmobile. Pay ranges from Volunteer to $200/day D.O.E. Must be available in peak winter as well(Mid January - March). Discounted or comped tuition in our Rescue and Rec L2 classes is an option as well.
If you are interested and not sure if you have the minimums feel free to give us a ring or email.
Apprentice duties may involve but are not limited to:
Assisting Pro instructors
Assisting teaching awareness classes
keeping track of gear
helping with morning prep like forecasts printouts, fuel, making sure students are pre-pared for field days.
Set up / tear down at events
Shuttling students on HyBrid Classes
assisting collecting snow pit data in the field
FYI what apprentices won't do:
1. Teaching (but you will get to learn from a pro)
2. Be in supervision of the safety of students
How ever in you will be in logistical support position of a Pro and get experience of how a snow safety operation works to get your ready for taking the Pro 1 class.
Fill out this expression of interest form and/or give us a ring.
For Pros and Apprentices
1 / Pro-deals
Access to a variety of Pro-Deals
2 / Training Options
We do a minimum of 2 days of team training per year. And upskill opportunities in different areas:
Snow Science
Motorized skills
Teaching Skills
more TBD
3 / Work in Variety of Zones, Classes and travel modes
We have a variety of Zones, and class types to work in or expand into for the right people.
4 /Cross Training between Non-motorized and Motorized
Expand your skill travel mode skill set with us.